About the CGDream platform!

Discussion started by iterateCGI

Sorry, lots of questions ahead in this read and some possible answers!

As probably most artists I’m trying to adapt to the value/data greedy force that is growing with the AI stuff and most of the big players around this in the creative sector, CGDream seems to join that force?

If I see correctly, everything we produce digitally can alternatively enter a few big corporate machines that eventually will produce everything on the fly for everyone (if they pay for a subscription to it) if this trend continues?

What then is future prospect/ability to keep bringing IP and provide artistic input?
What is the value of artistic input when it potentially only can get scooped up by few big corporate AI models for a one time few bucks?

It feels so unsustainable in the long run is it not, I mean, there must be some business model out there that works for everyone sustainably right?

With the businesses model as currently presented by CGDream, in long run, how will the value exchange be calculated when someone prompt the central AI model trained on the work of all opted in CGTrader artists?

Will CGDream forever be the beneficiary of all the gathered data/value like for example businesses like Midjourney, Shutterstock, etc.?

Artists ideally should have ability to revoke his/her work from central AI models if requested for some reason right? (if only to keep “some” voting power?)

So why not simply give every artist access to a personal web page on the CGDream platform and a copy of the Stable Diffusion AI model on it (and new ones as they drop), alongside all open source AI tools as they drop in time, things like Image to Image, ContrtolNet, LCM’s for animation and the 3D template mapper as currently presented, etc.?

Artists would then be able to train their own version of the AI model (with own work or licensed) and then provide custom generation services with that on own terms (instead of CGDream aiming for the data to feed the big central proprietary branded AI model like all others are doing and set their terms)?

If the AI model would be a custom one from that given artist, he/she could revoke access if requested right? On other hand, users and models violating terms or get copyright notice could be removed by CGDream and so one, right?

Essentially CGDream could be another CGTrader but for AI services provide by its artists. For CGDream the revenue stream can maybe come from renting out GPU time and percentage taken on the services the artist are providing on the platform?

Keep in mind CGTrader was able to get big because it was the alternative to the rest doing it wrong regarding their business model and terms. Well guess what, the rest is doing it wrong with the AI stuff right now, its all setup for the artists to lose.

Is CGDream going to join all those others or is it going to grab this new opportunity to bring something that is right?


Posted 6 months ago

If they want one-time padi models, they have to pay exclusive licenses and give every artist a contract for that.
They won´t? OK! no problem, then FCK this Dream. Not our dream!

SoccerModels wrote
Dream... yeah, a nightmare pointedly said. I hope it turns to that for its creators.
highpolymodels wrote
- DREAM - lol - it looks like only those who are dreaming join that bs.
Posted 5 months ago

You have completely lost the trust of your artist base. I remember how many E-mails and requests I was sent by your staff to induce me to join only to lose me completely with this.

Your promotion is not convincing and not to be trusted. You should not have compared yourselves to the other platforms. Instead, had you not gone into AI; artists of other platforms would have joined you and you would have become the number one 3D model platform distribution easily outtalking the competition you have dreamt of over taking.

By entering AI, you wade into murky water which means no artist can ever trust you again. Your "improved" deal of theft over your competition means nothing.

Posted 5 months ago

CGT has driven its sellers to the brink of madness. They will soon receive a BOLD bill for this.

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